Have Your Say

At Chapelford Village Primary School we are a reflective and developmental school and are always looking for ways to improve. Your views are important to us and we are keen to hear your comments, answer any questions and listen to any concerns you may have. There are many ways you can do this at our school.

How can we communicate?

Every Friday our weekly newsletter is distributed to all our governors, family & friends. We are always keen to share and celebrate good news and achievements. This can also be done by contributing to our out of school achievements section of our newsletter.

Please email details to the school office office@chapelfordvillageprimary.co.uk

Every Friday we hold our phase celebration assembly’s in which we share our good news and announce our “Star Learners” and “Star Lunchtime Awards” nominated by our midday staff. Children have either completed work or have shown an outstanding attitude to their learning. We also celebrate children’s attendance along with nominating one of our pupils to take home the class pet and celebrate weekly birthdays.

We also hold a range of virtual workshops for you to attend to support your understanding of the teaching of reading, phonics, maths as well as other information sessions around the curriculum and assessment.

These are advertised on our newsletter, termly events and website. These are increasingly well attended as they are informative and give you an opportunity to ask lots of questions and have an insight into new teaching methods and approaches.

Speak to the Class Teacher

We value your thoughts and encourage an open dialogue with parents. We have an ‘open door’ policy which means that teachers are available at the end of every day. Staff welcome children into school every morning please let staff know if you wish to make an online appointment or require a telephone consultation. We are always happy to support.

Virtual parents’ evenings are held three times a year (once a term) and this is an excellent opportunity to speak in depth to your Child’s class teacher as well as learn about your child’s learning and share their books.

Speak to the Assistant Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher/Headteacher

If your problem or concern cannot be resolved with the class teacher or Year Group leader then Mrs Webb-Breen (AHT) or Mrs Anson (AHT) are available for an appointment. If your issue or concern is not resolved at this stage Mrs Stewart (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs Tottie (Headteacher) is always happy to meet with parents and carers to support and share concerns.

You can contact the school via the school office or directly through the school website. Please do not sit and worry at home, come into school and talk to us.

Parent Forum

Every term a member of the Senior Leadership Team together with the Parent Forum Governor will hold a forum meeting. This is a relaxed meeting in which we can discuss the School Improvement Plan and key priorities. It is another opportunity to share ideas and views of ways to make our school even better. These sessions are held in the morning and repeated again in the evening and everyone is welcome.

School Surveys

Every autumn we ask parents and carers to complete a short survey, this is completed on parent’s evening but can be done at any time on Parent Survey through the link on our website. The survey focuses on teaching and learning, behaviour and safety, and leadership. This is one of the most important tools for us as we directly gain your views. This helps us to see the positives and also importantly, areas in which we can improve.

Recent surveys have helped us to improve things. For example you have requested the school grounds to be developed and this is now underway.

A parent also made a suggestion for the school to be clear about how to get in touch with the school and as a result we have devised the “Have you Say” section of our website.

Don’t wait for these surveys thought! If you have some feedback for us, let us know.

Look out for Communication

Every Friday Mrs Tottie writes the weekly newsletter. This always contains important information about what has happened in the week as well as upcoming events and other key messages.

Your questions, comments or concerns are often raised in our communications. A large majority of our parents and carers are now emailed but we still send home paper copies should you prefer. Past copies of newsletters are available in the school office reception area.

Make a complaint

Complaints are very rare at Chapelford Village Primary School due to the excellent relationships and communications we have with our families. We have an excellent team of dedicated staff who are almost always available, along with the Assistant Headteachers, Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher, so it is often easy to resolve any concerns or issues you may have quickly. However, if parents or carers feel that they need to make a formal complaint, it should be made in writing to the Headteacher. A copy of our full complaints policy and procedures can be found here.

As always, if you have a question, concern or ideas please make contact with us. We are always here to support you and your child to the best of our abilities.